SEND Information Report
A school’s provision for SEND is defined as support which is additional to or different from that which is available to all students. This document is intended to give you information regarding the ways in which we ensure that children with SEND are educated, wherever possible, in an inclusive environment to enable each pupil to reach his or her full potential. It may not list every skill, resource and strategy we deploy in order to achieve this as these are continually developed and refined to meet the changing requirements for individual pupils.
Children have said of our clubs targeted to support SEMH:
"Hub Club makes me happy. I play with children out of my class and make new friends. I feel like my normal self. " July 23
Friday Club for Young Carers - " It makes me feel happy. I don't feel worried or left out . I learn about other children with siblings who have need- it's good to know that there are others who feel the same as me. " July 23
At Northborough Primary School we strive to include all children and support pupils with a range of special educational needs, with varying degrees of complexity. These needs can impact upon the child’s capacity to learn in all areas or be more specific. We support children with the following areas of need:-
- Communication and Interaction (such as Speech and Language difficulties and Autistic Spectrum Disorders)
- Cognition and Learning (such as specific literacy/ numeracy difficulty)
- Social, Mental and Emotional Health
- Sensory and/or Physical (such as visual or hearing impairment and children with medical needs).
How do we identify special educational learning needs?
At Northborough School we know when pupils need help if:
Concerns are raised by parents/carers, teachers, or the pupil’s previous school:
- There is lack of progress
- Assessment scores below age related expectations
- There is a change in the pupil’s behaviour
- A pupil asks for help
We encourage you to raise your concerns by talking to us in confidence: we are here to help. You can talk to your child’s class teacher, to Mrs Jackson (our school’s Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator) or our Head teacher, Mr Pattison. We welcome conversations with parents if they are concerned about their child.
- We will listen
- We will investigate your concern.
- We will arrange a follow-up meeting so that we can share all relevant information.
Mrs Jackson will explain the process we use to determine the extent of your child’s educational needs and any specialist support that might be required. If necessary, she will make contact with other professional agencies who possess the requisite experience and expertise to benefit your child. Mrs Jackson will endeavour to keep in regular contact with you.
How do we share information with parents and involve them in planning provision to meet their children’s needs?
Your child's progress and achievements will be shared with you at termly Parent Consultations and review meetings. Discussions will be held concerning their attainment, academic progress and progress measured against bespoke targets as outlined on their Assess, Plan, Do, Review document.
If your child is not making the progress that we would like, then we will discuss amending the programme that they are receiving, or accessing additional outside agencies for advice and support.
Interventions are regularly reviewed by all involved to ascertain the effectiveness of provision and to inform future planning. Interventions are recorded on a provision map (for each year group). This is a record of the actions, timings and the impact of the intervention.
We offer the following opportunities, in addition to the normal reporting arrangements,
to parents/ carers, children and young people to discuss progress, to plan and review support, specific approaches and/or programmes. Mrs Jackson is available on a Tuesday, and by appointment on Wednesday. She is very happy to meet with parents/carers to discuss support and answer any questions.
- Mrs Jackson (SENCo) may meet with you to discuss how to support your child. This may follow on from when a child has been assessed.
- Your class teacher/SENCo may meet with you to discuss a child’s behavioural/emotional needs.
- Throughout the school year additional meetings with outside agencies may be held as appropriate for the individual’s needs.
Outside agencies or the Educational Psychologist may suggest advice or programmes of study that can/should be deployed at home.
Co-ordinated review meetings are held including all the adults involved with the individual and parents/carers. Typically, these consist of: the class teacher, teaching assistants, Mrs Jackson and any outside agencies involved e.g. occupational therapy. In this meeting targets will be reviewed and new ones set. Specific programmes will be discussed that are being proposed and examples shared/demonstrated where appropriate.
If your child has an Education and Health Care Plan, you will be invited to the Annual Review meeting. This is in addition to the meetings called to review and set targets.
How will the curriculum be matched to my child’s needs?
At Northborough School we pride ourselves on delivering ‘quality first teaching’. All children are encouraged to develop themselves as a learner. All children will be given the chance to learn, practise and apply their skills and will progress at a pace suitable for their needs. Differentiation of activities is in place in all classrooms and an individualised curriculum can be put into place where needed. Where children require further support, this is put in place in the classroom or through group or individual interventions.
A teaching assistant may work with the pupil in a 1-1 format or small focus group, targeting more specific needs. If appropriate, specialist equipment may be given to the pupil e.g. writing slopes, concentration cushions, pen/pencils grips or easy to use scissors.
How do we use other adults in school to support pupils with special educational needs or disabilities?
The education plan for your child/ young person will be explained to you and overseen
- Your child’s class teacher
- Mrs Jackson (SENCo)
Staff who may be working with your child/ young person are:
- Mr Pattison (Head teacher)
- Mrs Jackson (Deputy Head teacher, SENCo, Class teacher)
Class teachers
Northborough Primary School - Staff (
Designated visiting specialists involved with meeting your child’s needs.
What specialist services are accessed by the school?
A service level agreement is haled for a Learning Support Teacher to carry out designated assessment and identification of specific learning difficulties.
At times it may be necessary to consult with outside agencies in order to access more specialised expertise. The agencies currently used by the school include:
- Autism Outreach Team
- Child Protection Advisors
- Educational Psychologist (EP)
- Inclusion and Behaviour Team
- CAMHS (Child & Adolescent Mental Health Service)
- Sensory Services to support pupils with hearing/visual Impairment
- Education Welfare Officer
- Social Services
- SALT toolkit
- Speech and language therapist
- Occupational Therapy (OT)
- Goto OT guide
- CDU (Community paediatricians child development unit)
- School Nurse
- Physiotherapy
- Counsellor
- MASG Team
- Peterborough SEND Hubs
You can find out more about the Hubs on the Education page of the Peterborough Local Offer:
or on the Lincolnshire Local offer:
How will the school monitor how well my child is doing?
Pupil Progress Meetings are held three times a year. This is a meeting where the class teacher meets the Headteacher and/ or Deputy Headteacher to discuss the progress of the pupils in their class. This shared discussion may highlight any potential problems in order for further support to be planned.
Occasionally a pupil may need more specialist support from an outside agency such as the Children’s Therapy Team, Paediatrician etc. Referral forms are then completed in conjunction with parents/carers and forwarded to the most appropriate agency.
After a series of assessments, a programme of support is usually provided to the school and parents/carers.
Each pupil’s Assess, Plan, Do, Review document will be drawn up by the class teacher through discussion with parents, pupils, teaching assistants and any outside agencies involved. It will be differentiated to suit the pupil’s individual needs; setting individual targets. A copy of the targets will be shared with parents. This may include additional support by the teacher or teaching assistant in class or the use of particular resources (e.g. a writing slope, ICT.).
If a pupil has needs relating to more specific areas of their educational or social development, such as spelling, handwriting or numeracy & literacy skills, then the pupil may be integrated in a small focus group. Your child’s class teacher will notify you of this. This will be facilitated by the class teacher or teaching assistant. The length of time of the intervention will vary according to identified needs but will typically be for a term in the first instance. Interventions will be regularly reviewed by all involved to ascertain the effectiveness of the provision and to inform future planning. These interventions will be recorded on a provision map (for each year group). This is a record of the interventions, timings and clear entrance and exit data. The impact of the intervention is recorded separately on an accompanying interventions sheet.
If you have any queries related to the interventions please do not hesitate to contact the class teacher or SENCo.
What support will there be for my child's overall well-being?
Our school offers pastoral, medical and social support to the children/ young people.
As a relatively small school we know our children well and build strong relationships with them. Your child is very important to us and remains at the centre of everything we do. We give children regular opportunities to share their thoughts and feelings. The school offers a wide variety of pastoral support for pupils who are encountering emotional, social and behavioural difficulties.
Members of staff such as the class teacher, teaching assistants, Deputy head, Head teacher and SENCo are readily available for pupils who wish to discuss issues and concerns.
- Mrs Jackson and TAs run small groups targeting social skills, self-esteem, emotional wellbeing and anger management.
- We have high expectations of pupil behaviour and clear systems in place to promote this.
- Our attendance rate is good because children want to come to our school. At the end of the year any child who has full attendance receives a certificate. Equally, we work closely with any families whose child has low attendance.
- We have a democratically elected School Council which aims to represent the views of all children within our school.
- If a pupil has a medical need then a detailed Care Plan is compiled by the school nurse in consultation with parents/carers. These are discussed with all staff that are involved with the pupil.
- Where necessary, and in agreement with parents/carers, medicines are administered in school where a signed Care plan is in place. Anti-biotics may be given in some circumstances after discussion with office staff and on completion of a medication form.
- Appropriate training such as asthma inhalers and Epi-pen training, is delivered to all staff on a regular basis.
- Where necessary, EHA (Early Help Assessment) will be implemented to provide support to pupils and families.
How accessible is the school environment?
We provide the following to ensure that all children/ young people in our school can access all of the activities offered.
We adhere strictly to the school’s Disability Equality Policy
Facilities we have at present include:
- Ramps into school to make the site accessible to all.
- Toilets adapted for disabled users.
- Double doors in some parts of the building.
- We are actively planning further improvements to make the school even more accessible following repost and advice.
We enable children/ young people to access all activities by
- Adapting materials where appropriate to facilitate participation. Providing equipment to support designated needs i.e. slope boards, move and sit cushions, Providing additional support as required in order to ensure that all our children participate fully in any activity of their choosing.
Our Accessibility Plan details adaptations made to the environment, curriculum and information.
How will my child be included in activities outside the classroom including school trips?
Activities and school trips are available to all.
- Risk management considerations are undertaken and procedures are put in place to include all children.
- If a health and safety risk assessment suggests that an intensive level of 1:1 support is required a parent or carer may also be asked to accompany their child
We are always happy to discuss specific access requirements.
How will the school support my child when they arrive at Northborough Primary School or prepare them for transition to secondary school?
The following arrangements help children/ young people and their parents/ carers to make a successful transfer to our setting/ school. Northborough understands the importance of a smooth transition to another school; therefore, strategies are in place to help all parties involved.
These include:
On entry
- A planned programme of visits in the summer term for pupils starting in September including “Play and Stay” visits with parents/carers, visit with
- Play group and a visit to their new class (without parent/ carer).
- Parent/carers are invited to a meeting at the school so that they know what to expect and are encouraged to share any concerns with the school.
- Where concerns are raised Mrs Jackson (SENCo) may visit the setting and a meeting with parents to discuss any issues may be arranged. In some circumstances individual arrangements may be made for starting school such as shorter hours, transition passport with photographs.
- Foundation class teacher meets parents/carers and their child in September, prior to children starting.
- Children start half days for one week and are introduced to lunchtimes before staying full time. If parents or teachers feel a child is not ready for full time school, they can remain part-time.
Transition annually
- Visit to new class.
- Information sharing sessions between year 1 and year 2 teachers etc.
- The class teacher is always willing to meet parents/carers prior to the child moving to their class.
Mid-year transition
- The headteacher gives all children a tour of the school with their parent/carer.
- Introduces children to their new teacher
- Agree the start date. In certain circumstances, such as the child not having attended school before, special starting arrangements may be agreed.
- Contact the previous school for the child’s records. Where there are concerns the SENCo will be contacted by phone. We prepare children and young people to make their next move Secondary transition
- Mrs Jackson works with children anxious about the move. This provides them with the opportunity to discuss any concerns they may have.
- Secondary school staff visit pupils prior to them joining their new school.
- Mrs Jackson (SENCo) meets the SENCos from the secondary schools to impart information regarding SEND pupils.
- Children attend a transition day particular to the school they are going to.
- Additional transition days are arranged for pupils if deemed appropriate
- Opportunities to foster links with local secondary schools are actively encouraged so that children cultivate a familiarity (e.g. Science days at the secondary school)
- Additional transition programmes may be put in place, if appropriate
How are the school’s resources allocated and matched to children’s special educational needs?
Our SEND budget is allocated according to Local Authority School Funding Formula. At a school level it is approved by the Governors
Funding is matched to SEND by:
- The SEND budget is allocated each financial year. The money is used to provideadditional support or resources dependent on an individual’s needs.
- The additional provision may be allocated through discussion with the class teacher at pupil progress meetings or if a concern has been raised by them at another time
- Further support or resources may be allocated to your child following assessments by school staff or outside agencies (e.g. speech and language team).
- Funding may be used to invest in specialist support services (e.g. Dyslexic assessment)
- Individual Pupil Premium payments may be used to support a pupil’s learning. This is tracked on our Pupil Premium Mapping for individuals.
Matching support is viewed on an individual basis and through discussion with the class teacher and the senior management team. Pupil Progress Meetings are held three times a year. This is a meeting where the class teacher meets the headteacher and/ or deputy headteacher to discuss the progress of the pupils in their class. This shared discussion may highlight any potential problems in order for further support to be implemented.
What training have staff had in relation to SEND?
All of our staff are committed to the well-being and educational achievement of the children in our care. At Northborough School, staff receive regular training catering for a diverse range of special educational needs and disability requirements.
These have included sessions on:
- Dyslexia and Dyscalculia
- Autism
- Supporting pupils with Downs Syndrome Speech and Language
- Supporting pupils with behavioural difficulties * Supporting pupils with Cerebral Palsy
- Positive handling
- Moving and handling
- Nurture and Attachment
- Epilepsy and Seizures
- Epipen and asthma training
- First Aid (some staff trained Paediatric First Aid)
- Supporting children with sensory issues
- Sensory circuits
- Precision spelling/reading
- Numicon * Hearing Impaired – Cochlea Implants
- Nurture groups
- Emotion coaching
- Working memory
- Me my brain and I project
- Regular Safeguarding * Behaviour as a language * ADHD
The school currently invest in the Support For Learning Service. This involves support from a qualified practitioner to assess and diagnose children with specific learning difficulties related to Literacy and Numeracy. She visits the school regularly to assess children, providing advice and support to teachers and parents.
We plan to undertake/update the following training/ disability awareness sessions(s).
- Social skills
- Safeguarding updates
- Safe Moving and Handling
- Hearing Impaired
- Visual Impaired
- Sensory circuits updates
Who can I contact for information, including complaints?
Parents and carers can give their feedback by;
- Informal or formal discussion with class teachers
- Termly review meetings
- Contacting the school via phone calls, emails and arranged visits. If you wish to discuss your child’s educational needs or are concerned about an aspect of your child’s schooling please contact one of the following:
- Your child’s class teacher
- SENCo – Mrs Jackson
- Deputy Head Teacher/ Class teacher - Mrs Jackson
- Head Teacher Mr Pattison
The complaints policy can be found:
Northborough Primary School - Policies (
What is the role of the governors?
The roles and responsibilities of our governors are:
- To establish a policy in line with the new Code of Practice on the identification and assessment of special educational needs.
- Ensure that the school’s SEND policy is adhered to
- To participate in appropriate training
- To provide appropriate support to parents in accordance with the SEND policy
Our designated governor meets termly with Mrs Jackson to discuss SEND provision. She assesses pupil progress data and provision, and in addition elicits views and opinions during regular monitoring visits throughout the year.
If you would like further information on how the LEA supports families of children with SEND, please go to:
Peterborough Local Offer
Lincolnshire Local Offer
Cambridgeshire Local Offer
This information was last updated November 2024 (version 8).
The Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator is Mrs Andrea Jackson
Our SEND Governor is Sarah Williams