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At Northborough Primary School we recognise that there is a very clear relationship between the regularity in which children attend school and their academic achievement.

Children with good attendance records benefit from:

  • Continuity of learning
  • Improved performance in examinations
  • Maintaining friendships with friends 

We therefore ask for your support to keep absenteeism to a minimum, so that we can prepare your son/daughter effectively as they progress through their education at Northborough School.

Attendance Process

If your child is absent from school, you must contact school on the first day of absence and all subsequent days by 9.00 am. Please provide a reason. You must report the absence by calling 01733 252204 (option 1) or by emailing 

  • If we receive no confirmation of the reason, parents/carers will receive a call from the office.
  • If your child’s attendance drops below 95% it will be monitored.
  • Letter 1 – Initial attendance support communication 
  • Letter 2 – Parents/carers will be invited in for a meeting to discuss their child’s attendance (a way forward and period of notice to improve will be discussed)

Holidays in Term Time

  • Exceptional leave may be granted at the discretion of the Headteacher in line with statutory guidance.

As a school, we recognise that financial pressures and work commitments sometimes make it difficult to take holidays outside of school time.   If you choose to take unauthorised leave of absence, then you may be at risk of a £160 fine from Peterborough City Council.

Missed education summary:

Attendance in one school year

Equals days absent

Which is approximately weeks absent

95% 9 days 2 Weeks
90% 19 days 4 Weeks
80% 38 days 8 Weeks
70% 57 days 11 ½ Weeks
60% 80 days 16 Weeks
50% 100 days 20 Weeks